The Shawshank Redemption: Start Scene #18: Marriage of Figaro: #13

I love this scene in the Shawshank Redemption, I almost forgot to breath the whole time it takes Andy Dufresne to play the opera song over the loud system shawshank “Canzonetta sull’aria” from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart‘s “Marriage of Figaro” is an interesting story itself, but the way the actual meaning of the song is not really important  in the scene, compared to the reality it is helping describe in the movie is moving.shawshank record Tim Robbins or Andy Dufresne in the movie knew the possible repercussions of his actions of locking himself with the record player and the P A system and playing the song for the entire prison to hear.shawshankredempt_132pyxurzshowshank yard Though the punishment possibility and the actual punishment he was given were something most would not desire, I love Andys’ response to the inmates who questioned his actions. I feel the same rational should be applied to other aspects in life, “There’s something inside that they can’t get to, that they can’t touch. It’s yours. Hope.”   Hope-the-shawshank-redemption-30538722-500-278The feeling I have when I watch this scene and residual affect it has on my mind for the time after and even into different parts of my life when I just think of this scene, is not hard to describe. I do get a weightless infusion of hope. Hope for the people who have passion and love and dream of a world where we can be truly free to do what makes us feel love, to find the many catalysts for bliss. To do what is needed to spread the hope to the hearts of all of humanity.

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